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Element Comment

This element can be used to provide additional information about a situation. The element is optional and can occur multiple times.

The structure of the element is as follows:



Element Type Mandatory Domain Description
comment MultilingualString Yes real, test Indicates the reliability of the information
commentDateTime DateTime No Date and time in UTC (Zulu notation)
commentType CommentTypeEnum Yes abnormalLoadMovementNote, dataProcessingNote, description, internalNote, roadworksName, warning,other Indicates the type of information

Subelement commentType

The element commentType is used to specify the type of comment provided in the comment element. The domain for this element is as follows:

Value Definition
internalNote Project name in the case of roadworks
warning Information that warns the road user. This type of comment provides a journalistic description of the disruption caused. (Often, this will later be specified in situation records that describe the exact disruption in automatically processable information.)
other Additional information that cannot be encoded or placed in another named free-text field. Use of this field should be avoided as much as possible.


      <com:value lang="nl">Aanleg van de Uithoflijn</com:value>
      <com:value lang="nl">De tijdelijke kruising wordt omgebouwd tot de defintieve kruising.</com:value>
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