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Interpretation of Activities and Events


The product type "Activities and Events" contains planning and real-time data about roadworks and traffic measures around events. Delivery is based on the situationPublication from the DATEX II standard, with specific implementations given to situationRecords with various specializations.

To properly interpret the data provided by this data service, the following sections provide additional information on the implementation of various DATEX II components of the Dutch profile. References to "roadworks" on this page refer to the data flow "Activities and Events" unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Recording Responsible Road Authority

The road authority is recorded in the element source. For municipalities, this is recorded as "Municipality" + the full municipal name. For provinces, it is "Province" + the full provincial name. For Rijkswaterstaat, the RWS district code + RWS district name is used. The naming follows the CBS conventions.

References to Other Situations in Overarching Projects

More complex projects may consist of multiple situations. For this, the element relatedSituation is used, which refers to another situation.

Expected Delays from Activities and Events

The expected delay from activities and events is expressed in delays within the element impactand hindranceClass within the element roadworkExtension. The impact element is not unique to the specializations Roadworks or PublicEvent. Therefore, the expected delay provided by the user is also explicitly included in the hindranceClass element.

The following mapping is used:

Expected Delay impact > delayBand impact > delayTimeValue roadworkHindranceClass
No delay Negligable n/a hindranceClass0
\< 5 min. delay upToTenMinutes 300 hindranceClass1
5-10 min. delay upToTenMinutes n/a hindranceClass2
10-30 min delay betweenTenMinutesAndThirtyMinute n/a hindranceClass3
> 30 min delay betweenThirtyMinutesAndOneHour n/a hindranceClass4

Hindrance Class and Hindrance Category

Roadworks has an extension where:

  • roadworkHindranceClass de hinderklasse als label meegegeven kan gaan worden (mandatory)
  • roadworkHindranceCategory hindercategorie als label dient te worden aangegeven (optional)

Reason for Activities

The reason (why) an activity is conducted is recorded in causeDescription under the element cause. The causeType element is also mandatory. If the cause cannot be described using one of the established enumeration options, "other" must be used.

Emergency Activities

If an activity is not planned but is necessary to address the consequences of an unplanned incident (e.g., a burst sewer or a car fire causing road surface damage), a roadwork activity can be added, marked as emergency by including the attribute urgentRoadworks with the value true.

Use of Free Text

Free texts must be recorded as generalPublicComment. The use of comment types for generalPublicComment is only permitted with commentType internalNote, warning, or other. The use of other named types is not allowed, as this information should be structured within the situation.

References to Public Websites and Documents

References to project/work websites and potential factsheets are included in urlLink. Referring to general websites of municipalities or other authorities should be avoided. If referring to a website, the urlLinkType must be html. If referring to a factsheet, the urlLinkType must be documentPdf.

Status of Activities

The standard progression of an event is described generally in Interpretation Actions of the Road Authority..This section explains specific interpretations regarding activities.

For records of the RoadWorks type, the following definitions apply per status:

  • Normal or idle status (until b): The event timing is known and announced.
  • Transition from idle to active status (from b to c): The activities have started, but traffic measures are not yet active. Traffic disruption due to activities is not yet present.
  • Active status (from c to d): The activities have actually begun. This does not necessarily mean that all mentioned traffic measures are active yet. In most cases, these will coincide.
  • Transition from active to idle status (from d to e): From this moment, the activities are completed, and the associated traffic measures are deactivated.
  • Normal or idle status (after e): From this moment, the road is fully available for traffic again.

Availability Status

Not all statuses will be available for every work.

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