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Instructions to Road Users - Specialization GeneralInstructionOrMessageToRoadUsers within SRTI Profile

The type GeneralInstructionOrMessageToRoadUsers is derived from NetworkManagement, with the SituationRecord specialization OperatorAction above it. GeneralInstructionOrMessageToRoadUsers is used to influence the behavior of road users. This includes instructions such as keeping to the right and not overtaking. In addition to the basic elements of a SituationRecord, specific elements of OperatorAction and NetworkManagement, the specialization includes two additional elements: the mandatory element generalInstructionOrMessageToRoadUsersType and generalMessageToRoadUsers.

The structure is as follows (elements from NetworkManagement are shown in a shortened form):


In this specialization, providing a classification of the instruction is mandatory. The different possibilities for this classification can be found in the possible domain values of the element generalInstructionOrMessageToRoadUsersType. This information may be supplemented with an additional message in the optional element generalMessageToRoadUsers.


An overview of the elements found in every specialization of a SituationRecord can be found here. In the case of the specialization GeneralInstructionOrMessageToRoadUsers, these elements are supplemented with the elements from the specializations OperatorAction, NetworkManagement, and GeneralInstructionOrMessageToRoadUsers itself.

Explanation of operatorActionStatus

The element operatorActionStatus is used to indicate the status of an operator-controlled dynamic traffic situation. It serves as a status indication for information about objects. In this example the application is explained further.

Values in the Domain field

The values included in the domain field are limited to those present in our feed. The data model allows more values for this field than are shown below.

See GeneralInstructionOrMessageToRoadUsers for more information.

Element Type Mandatory Domain Description
operatorActionStatus OperatorActionStatusEnum Yes requested, approved, beingImplemented, implemented, beingTerminated The operatorActionStatus is used to indicate the status of an operator-managed dynamic traffic situation. It provides a status indication related to information about objects.
complianceOption ComplianceOptionEnum Yes advisory, mandatory Specifies whether the described situation is advisory or mandatory.
forVehiclesWithCharacteristicsOf String Yes N/A The optional element forVehiclesWithCharacteristicsOf is used to specify which specific vehicles the traffic measure applies to.
applicableForTrafficDirection String Yes N/A The applicableForTrafficDirection element is used to indicate the traffic direction affected by the road operator's action. This element is only used in records where the location reference is based on RoadsideReferencePoints or openLR.
generalInstructionToRoadUsersType GeneralInstructionToRoadUsersTypeEnum Yes allowEmergencyVehiclesToPass, approachWithCare, avoidTheArea, closeAllWindowsTurnOffHeaterAndVents, crossJunctionWithCare, doNotAllowUnnecessaryGaps, doNotLeaveYourVehicle, doNotThrowOutAnyBurningObjects, doNotUseNavigationSystems, driveCarefully, driveWithExtremeCaution, flashYourLights, increaseNormalFollowingDistance, keepYourDistance, leaveYourVehicleProceedToNextSafePlace, noNakedFlames, noOvertaking, noSmoking, noStopping, noUturns, observeAmberAlert, observeSignals, observeSigns, onlyTravelIfAbsolutelyNecessary, overtakeWithCare, pullOverToTheEdgeOfTheRoadway, stopAtNextSafePlace, switchOffEngine, switchOffMobilePhonesAndTwoWayRadios, useFogLights, useHazardWarningLights, useHeadlights The mandatory element generalInstructionToRoadUsersType specifies the type of instruction for road users.
generalMessageToRoadUsers MultilingualString No N/A This non-mandatory element provides additional information. Normally, generalInstructionToRoadUsersType is used, but in exceptional cases, this element may also be applied.

Element applicableForTrafficDirection

The applicableForTrafficDirection element is used to indicate the traffic direction affected by the road operator's action. This element is only used in records where the location reference is based on RoadsideReferencePoints or openLR.

Type: Mandatory Domain
DirectionEnum No bothWays
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