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Basic Structure DATEX II Version 3


The structure of data in DATEX II is specified at the European level and described as a UML model. At the top level of the UML model is the generic class PayloadPublication. PayloadPublication is an abstract class for the substantive information that is concretely shaped through a specialization.

The UML model has been translated into XML schemas, and through this translation, XML elements have been created for the classes from the UML model. These XML elements are referred to as "the element" when discussing, for example, the element payloadPublication.

Content Based on Profile (payloadPublication)

The element payloadPublication is derived from the abstract class PayloadPublication and contains the actual data. See also the description of the element payloadPublication. The content of the data depends on the product (type of information) and the profile that has been used to describe the data in DATEX II format.

Overview products, profiles and DATEXII specialisation

Static data

Product type Profile Specialisation
Shapefiles - -
Traffic Signs - -
Truckparking - table with locations Extension ParkingPublications ParkingTablePublication
RVM (Regional Traffic Model) Network - -

Dynamic data


Dutch profile DATEX II Documents

Document Format
NDW Exchange 2020 XSD XSD
NDW Exchange 2020 WSDLs WSDL
XSD Bicycle counts v3.2 XSD
XSD Schoolzones 2023 XSD
XSD Emissionzones 2024 XSD

Validation profiles

Product Producttype Validation profile
Traffic information Measurement Site Table Download validation profile
Travel times Download validation profile
Speed and flow volumes Download validation profile
Traffic information Periodical Measurement Site Table (incl. example xml) Download validation profile
Speed and flow volumes (incl. example xml) Download validation profile

Situation Records validation profiles

We're currently working on the validation profiles for DATEXII v3. When a profile is available, it will be published on this page.

Product Producttype Validation profile
Dynamic data Current Situation Download validation profile
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