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Specialization Conditions (Driving Conditions)

The Conditions type is used as a framework for describing all circumstances that can deteriorate normal driving conditions. In addition to the basic elements of a SituationRecord this specialization includes the optional element drivingConditionType:



An overview of the elements found in every specialization of a situationRecord can be found here. For the Conditions specialization, these elements are supplemented by an additional element specific to this specialization.

Element Type Mandatory Domain Description
drivingConditionType DrivingConditionTypeEnum No impossible, hazardous, normal, passableWithCare, unknown, veryHazardous, winterConditions, other Description of the driving conditions at the given location.
XML Voorbeeld
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<mc:messageContainer modelBaseVersion="3" xmlns:inf="" xmlns:com="" xmlns:loc="" xmlns:ex="" xmlns:mc="" xmlns:nle="" xmlns:nlxe="" xmlns:srx="" xmlns:sit="">
    <mc:payload xsi:type="sit:SituationPublication" lang="nl" modelBaseVersion="3" xmlns:xsi="">
        <sit:situation id="RWS01_SM947665_D2">
           <sit:situationRecord xsi:type="sit:Conditions" id="RWS01_SM947665_D2_REC" version="1">
                       <com:value lang="nl">NLNDW</com:value>
              <sit:locationReference xsi:type="loc:PointLocation">
                 <loc:alertCPoint xsi:type="loc:AlertCMethod4Point">
    <mc:exchangeInformation modelBaseVersion="3">
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