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Specialization ConstructionWorks (Description of activities regarding the construction or expansion of the road network)

The ConstructionWorks type is derived from RoadWorks (an otherwise unusable specialization), which itself is derived from OperatorAction. The specialization is used to describe activities related to the construction or expansion of the road network. In addition to the elements of RoadWorks wsupplementary information about the type of activity is included in an additional mandatory element called constructionWorkType. The structure is as follows:



An overview of elements found in each specialization of a situationRecord can be found here. In the case of the ConstructionWorks specialization, these elements are supplemented by the elements of the RoadWorks and ConstructionWorks specializations.

Explanation of operatorActionStatus

The operatorActionStatus element is used to indicate the status of an operator-controlled dynamic traffic situation. It is a status indicator regarding information about objects. The application is further explained in this example.

Element Type Mandatory Domain Description
operatorActionStatus OperatorActionStatusEnum Yes requested, approved, beingImplemented, implemented, beingTerminated The operatorActionStatus element is used to indicate the status of an operator-controlled dynamic traffic situation. It is a status indicator regarding information about objects.
publicTransportAlternative MultiLingualString No N/A Describes an available public transport alternative to the normal route.
roadworksDurationClassification RoadworksDurationEnum No longTerm, mediumTerm, shortTerm This element provides an indication of the duration of the works based on predefined domain values.
roadworksIdentifier String No N/A This element contains an external identifier for the roadworks.
roadworksScale RoadworksScaleEnum No major, medium, minor This element provides an indication of the scale of the works based on predefined domain values.
underTraffic Boolean No N/A This element indicates whether traffic is present on the road section where the roadworks are taking place.
urgentRoadWorks Boolean Yes N/A This element indicates whether it concerns emergency repairs.
mobility Mobility Yes N/A Container element indicating the mobility of the works.
subjects Subjects Yes N/A Container element indicating the subject of the works.
maintenanceVehicles MaintenanceVehicles No N/A Container element indicating vehicles involved in the works.
roadworksExtension _RoadworksExtensionType No N/A The roadworksExtension element provides an extension to describe more information about roadworks. It concerns information about hindrance class, planning, and public transport alternatives.
constructionWorkType ConstructionWorkTypeEnum Yes blastingWork, constructionWork, demolitionWork, roadImprovementOrUpgrading, roadWideningWork Description of the type of work.

Subelement mobility

The mandatory mobility element contains 1 mandatory element: mobilityType.

Element Type Mandatory Domain Description
mobilityType MobilityTypeEnum Yes mobile, stationary, unknown Indication of the extent to which movement or relocation of the event is expected.
speed KilometresPerHour No N/A A speed measure defined in kilometers per hour.

Subelement subjects

The mandatory subjects element consists of 1 mandatory element: subjectTypeOfWorks, and a non-mandatory element subjectTypeOfWorksExtension.

Element Type Mandatory Domain Description
subjectTypeOfWorks SubjectTypeOfWorksEnum Yes bridge, buriedCables, buriedServices, crashBarrier, gantry, gasMainWork, interchange, junction, levelCrossing, lightingSystem, measurementEquipment, noiseProtection, road, roadsideDrains, roadsideEmbankment, roadsideEquipment, roadSigns, roundabout, tollGate, tunnel, waterMain, other This element describes the subject of the construction or repair.

Subelement maintenanceVehicles

Element Type Mandatory Domain Description
numberOfMaintenanceVehicles NonNegativeInteger No N/A The number of maintenance vehicles associated with the roadworks at the specified location.
maintenanceVehicleActions MaintenanceVehicleActionsEnum No maintenanceAction, maintenanceVehiclesMergingIntoTrafficFlow, slowMoving, stoppingToServiceEquipments The actions of the maintenance vehicles related to the roadworks.
XML Voorbeeld
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<mc:messageContainer modelBaseVersion="3" xmlns:inf="" xmlns:com="" xmlns:loc="" xmlns:ex="" xmlns:mc="" xmlns:nle="" xmlns:nlxe="" xmlns:srx="" xmlns:sit="">
    <mc:payload xsi:type="sit:SituationPublication" lang="nl" modelBaseVersion="3" xmlns:xsi="">
        <sit:situation id="RWS01_SM947665_D2">
            <sit:situationRecord xsi:type="sit:ConstructionWorks" id="RWS01_M947665_MAIN_ROADWORKS_D2" version="10">
                            <com:value lang="nl">WNZ-N [RWS West-Nederland Zuid District Noord]</com:value>
                            <com:value lang="nl">Asfalt werkzaamheden en lussen slijpen.</com:value>
                            <com:value lang="nl">Test</com:value>
                            <com:value lang="nl">Dit is een test!</com:value>
                <sit:locationReference xsi:type="loc:LinearLocation">
                    <loc:gmlLineString srsName="WGS 84">
                        <loc:posList>51.934566 4.53678 51.945915 4.532279</loc:posList>
    <mc:exchangeInformation modelBaseVersion="3">
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