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Specialization DisturbanceActivity (Traffic disturbance due to (unplanned) event)

The disturbanceActivityType specialization falls under the umbrella of Activity. Activity forms the basis for all activities and events that affect traffic flow. The type DisturbanceActivity is used for (unplanned) disruptive events that often have a negative nature. The structure of this specialization is as follows:



An overview of elements found in each specialization of a situationRecord can be found hereIn the case of the DisturbanceActivity specialization, these elements are supplemented with additional elements from the Activity specialization and an extra element from DisturbanceActivity itself. In the mandatory elementdisturbanceActivityType the specific type of activity is indicated.

Element Type Mandatory Domain Description
mobilityOfActivity Mobility Yes N/A Container element to indicate the mobility of the activity.
disturbanceActivityType DisturbanceActivityTypeEnum Yes airRaid, altercationOfVehicleOccupants, assault, assetDestruction, attack, attackOnVehicle, blockadeOrBarrier, bombAlert, crowd, demonstration, evacuation, filterBlockade, goSlowOperation, gunfireOnRoadway,illVehicleOccupants, march, peopleThrowingObjectsOnTheRoad, publicDisturbance, radioactiveLeakAlert, riot, sabotage, securityAlert, sightseersObstructingAccess, strike, terroristIncident, theft, toxicCloudAlert, unspecifiedAlert, other Description of the type of activity occurring.

Subelement mobilityOfActivity

The mandatory element mobility has 1 mandatory element: mobilityType.

Element Type Mandatory Domain Description
mobilityType MobilityEnum Yes mobile, stationary, unknown Indication of the extent to which movement or relocation of the blockade is expected.
speed KilometresPerHour No N/A A speed measure defined in kilometers per hour.
XML Voorbeeld
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<mc:messageContainer modelBaseVersion="3" xmlns:inf="" xmlns:com="" xmlns:loc="" xmlns:ex="" xmlns:mc="" xmlns:nle="" xmlns:nlxe="" xmlns:srx="" xmlns:sit="">
    <mc:payload xsi:type="sit:SituationPublication" lang="nl" modelBaseVersion="3" xmlns:xsi="">
        <sit:situation id="RWS01_SM947665_D2">
           <sit:situationRecord xsi:type="sit:DisturbanceActivity" id="RWS01_SM947665_D2_REC" version="1">
                       <com:value lang="nl">NLNDW</com:value>
              <sit:locationReference xsi:type="loc:ItineraryByIndexedLocations">
                 <loc:locationContainedInItinerary index="0">
                    <loc:location xsi:type="loc:SingleRoadLinearLocation">
                       <loc:gmlLineString srsDimension="2" srsName="EPSG:4326">
                          <loc:posList>52.18484 5.43779 52.18495 5.43786</loc:posList>
                 <loc:locationContainedInItinerary index="1">
                    <loc:location xsi:type="loc:SingleRoadLinearLocation">
                       <loc:alertCLinear xsi:type="loc:AlertCMethod4Linear">
    <mc:exchangeInformation modelBaseVersion="3">
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