Specialization GeneralNetworkManagement (Description of Dynamic Traffic Situations)
The type GeneralNetworkManagement is used for describing operator-controlled dynamic traffic situations. Examples include a bridge opening or a local detour. In addition to the basic elements of a SituationRecord, specific elements of OperatorAction and NetworkManagement (applicableForTrafficDirection, complianceOption, and forVehicleWithCharacteristicsOf), this specialization includes one extra element, namely generalNetworkManagementType. This mandatory element provides a classification for the situation/operation in question.
The structure is as follows (inherited elements from NetworkManagement are briefly summarized):
An overview of the elements found in every specialization of a situationRecord can be found here. For the GeneralNetworkManagement specialization, these elements are complemented with the elements from the specializations OperatorAction, NetworkManagement, and GeneralNetworkManagement itself.
Toelichting operatorActionStatus
The element operatorActionStatus is used to indicate the status of an operator-controlled dynamic traffic situation. This refers to a status designation concerning information about objects. In this example its application is further explained.
Element | Type | Mandatory | Domain | Description |
operatorActionStatus | OperatorActionStatusEnum | Yes | requested, approved, beingImplemented, implemented, beingTerminated | The element operatorActionStatus is used to indicate the status of an operator-controlled dynamic traffic situation. It refers to a status designation concerning information about objects. |
complianceOption | ComplianceOptionEnum | Yes | advisory, mandatory | Indicates whether the described situation is advisory or mandatory. |
applicableForTrafficDirection | ApplicableForTrafficDirection | No | N/A | The element applicableForTrafficDirection is used to indicate the traffic direction to which the operator’s action relates. The element is only used in records where the location reference is made based on RoadsideReferencePoints or openLR. |
forVehiclesWithCharacteristicsOf | ForVehiclesWithCharacteristicsOf | No | N/A | The optional element forVehiclesWithCharacteristicsOf is used to indicate for which specific vehicles the traffic measure applies. |
generalNetworkManagementType | GeneralNetworkManagementTypeEnum | Yes | bridgeSwingInOperation, rampMeteringInOperation, temporaryTrafficLights, tollGatesOpen, trafficBeingManuallyDirected | Description of the situation and/or action based on domain value. |
Element applicableForTrafficDirection
The element applicableForTrafficDirection is used to indicate the traffic direction to which the operator’s action relates. The element is only used in records where the location reference is made based on RoadsideReferencePoints or openLR.
Type: | Mandatory | Domain |
DirectionEnum | No | bothWays |
XML Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<mc:messageContainer modelBaseVersion="3" xmlns:inf="http://datex2.eu/schema/3/informationManagement" xmlns:com="http://datex2.eu/schema/3/common" xmlns:loc="http://datex2.eu/schema/3/locationReferencing" xmlns:ex="http://datex2.eu/schema/3/exchangeInformation" xmlns:mc="http://datex2.eu/schema/3/messageContainer" xmlns:nle="http://datex2.eu/schema/3/nlExtensions" xmlns:nlxe="http://datex2.eu/schema/3/nlxExtensions" xmlns:srx="http://datex2.eu/schema/3/situationRecordExtension" xmlns:sit="http://datex2.eu/schema/3/situation">
<mc:payload xsi:type="sit:SituationPublication" lang="nl" modelBaseVersion="3" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<sit:situation id="RWS01_SM947665_D2">
<sit:situationRecord xsi:type="sit:GeneralNetworkManagement" id="RWS01_SM947665_D2_REC" version="1">
<com:value lang="nl">NLNDW</com:value>
<sit:locationReference xsi:type="loc:ItineraryByIndexedLocations">
<loc:locationContainedInItinerary index="0">
<loc:location xsi:type="loc:SingleRoadLinearLocation">
<loc:gmlLineString srsDimension="2" srsName="EPSG:4326">
<loc:posList>52.18484 5.43779 52.18495 5.43786</loc:posList>
<loc:locationContainedInItinerary index="1">
<loc:location xsi:type="loc:SingleRoadLinearLocation">
<loc:alertCLinear xsi:type="loc:AlertCMethod4Linear">
<mc:exchangeInformation modelBaseVersion="3">