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Specialization ServiceDisruption (Disruption of a Service)

The ServiceDisruption specialization is part of the ServiceInformation umbrella. This specialization is used for any information about a service that may affect the behavior of drivers and, consequently, traffic flow characteristics. The structure is as follows:



An overview of the elements present in each specialization of a situationRecord can be found here. The ServiceDisruption specialization falls under the ServiceInformation umbrella. This specialization is used for all non-road-related information and does not contain specific elements outside of the standard elements of a situationRecord. In addition to the elements from ServiceInformation, it includes the mandatory element roadsideServiceDisruptionType:

Element Type Mandatory Domain Description
serviceDisruptionType ServiceDisruptionTypeEnum Yes barClosed, dieselShortage, fuelShortage, lpgShortage, methaneShortage, noDieselForHeavyVehicles, noDieselForLightVehicles, noParkingAvailability, noPublicTelephones, noToiletFacilities, noVehicleRepairFacilities, petrolShortage, restAreaBusy, restAreaClosed, restAreaOvercrowdedDriveToAnotherRestArea, serviceAreaBusy, serviceAreaClosed, serviceAreaFuelStationClosed, serviceAreaOvercrowdedDriveToAnotherServiceArea, serviceAreaRestaurantClosed, someCommercialServicesClosed, waterShortage The type of service along the road that is disrupted.
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