Weather Conditions Affecting Road Surface and Visibility - Specialization WeatherRelatedRoadConditions within SRTI Profile
The specialization WeatherRelatedRoadConditions is used for events where driving conditions are affected because the road surface is compromised by weather conditions. Examples include black ice, ice formation, etc. In addition to the elements from Conditions, it contains the mandatory element weatherRelatedRoadConditionType (which can occur more than once):
An overview of the elements that appear in every specialization of a situationRecord can be found here. In the case of the specialization WeatherRelatedRoadConditions, these elements are supplemented by an additional element from the Conditions specialization and by the elements specific to WeatherRelatedRoadConditions itself.
Values in the Domain field
The values included in the domain field are limited to those present in our feed. The data model allows more values for this field than are shown below.
See WeatherRelatedRoadConditions for more information.
Element | Type | Mandatory | Domain | Description |
drivingConditionsType | DrivingConditionsTypeEnum | Yes | impossible, hazardous, normal, passableWithCare, veryHazardous, winterConditions, other | General description of the driving conditions. |
weatherRelatedRoadConditionType | WeatherRelatedRoadConditionTypeEnum | Yes | blackIce, freezingOfWetRoads, ice, icyPatches, slippery, snowDrifts, wetAndIcyRoad, surfaceWater | This element describes the condition of the road surface. |
XML Voorbeeld
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<mc:messageContainer modelBaseVersion="3" xmlns:inf="" xmlns:com="" xmlns:loc="" xmlns:ex="" xmlns:mc="" xmlns:nle="" xmlns:nlxe="" xmlns:srx="" xmlns:sit="">
<mc:payload xsi:type="sit:SituationPublication" lang="nl" modelBaseVersion="3" xmlns:xsi="">
<sit:situation id="RWS01_SM947665_D2">
<sit:situationRecord xsi:type="sit:WeatherRelatedRoadConditions" id="RWS01_SM947665_D2_REC" version="1">
<com:value lang="nl">NLNDW</com:value>
<sit:locationReference xsi:type="loc:PointLocation">
<loc:alertCPoint xsi:type="loc:AlertCMethod4Point">
<mc:exchangeInformation modelBaseVersion="3">