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Road Obstruction - Specialization GeneralObstruction within SRTI Profile

The specialization GeneralObstruction falls under the umbrella of Obstruction. Obstruction serves as the framework for events where traffic is hindered by a form of blockage. The type GeneralObstruction is used for events where a blockage obstructs traffic. In addition to the elements from Obstruction, it includes the mandatory element obstructionType one or more times:



An overview of elements that occur in each specialization of a situationRecord can be found here. In the case of the specialization GeneralObstruction, these elements are supplemented by an additional element from the Obstruction specialization and by the elements of GeneralObstruction itself.

Values in the Domain field

The Domain field only includes the selection of values that appear in our feed. More values are allowed from the data model for this field than shown below.

See GeneralObstruction for more information.

Element Type Mandatory Domain Description
mobilityOfObstruction Mobility Yes N/A Container element to indicate the mobility of the obstruction.
obstructionType ObstructionTypeEnum Yes childrenOnRoadway, clearanceWork, cyclistsOnRoadway, incident, objectOnTheRoad, obstructionOnTheRoad, peopleOnRoadway, rescueAndRecoveryWork, shedLoad, spillageOnTheRoad, unprotectedAccidentArea, other Description of the type of obstruction.

Subelement mobilityOfObstruction

Het Mandatorye element mobility kent 1 Mandatory element: mobilityType.

Element Type Mandatory Domain Description
mobilityType MobilityEnum Yes mobile, stationary, unknown Indicates the degree to which the obstruction is expected to shift or move.
XML Voorbeeld
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<mc:messageContainer modelBaseVersion="3" xmlns:inf="" xmlns:com="" xmlns:loc="" xmlns:ex="" xmlns:mc="" xmlns:nle="" xmlns:nlxe="" xmlns:srx="" xmlns:sit="">
    <mc:payload xsi:type="sit:SituationPublication" lang="nl" modelBaseVersion="3" xmlns:xsi="">
        <sit:situation id="RWS01_SM947665_D2">
           <sit:situationRecord xsi:type="sit:GeneralObstruction" id="RWS01_SM947665_D2_REC" version="1">
                       <com:value lang="nl">NLNDW</com:value>
                       <com:value lang="nl">Opruimwerkzaamheden</com:value>
              <sit:locationReference xsi:type="loc:ItineraryByIndexedLocations">
                 <loc:locationContainedInItinerary index="0">
                    <loc:location xsi:type="loc:SingleRoadLinearLocation">
                       <loc:gmlLineString srsDimension="2" srsName="EPSG:4326">
                          <loc:posList>52.18484 5.43779 52.18495 5.43786</loc:posList>
                 <loc:locationContainedInItinerary index="1">
                    <loc:location xsi:type="loc:SingleRoadLinearLocation">
                       <loc:alertCLinear xsi:type="loc:AlertCMethod4Linear">
    <mc:exchangeInformation modelBaseVersion="3">
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