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General messages to road users - Specialization GeneralInstructionOrMessageToRoadUsers within the profile Advance Notices for Scheduled Roadworks & Events

The type GeneralInstructionOrMessageToRoadUsers is derived from NetworkManagement, with the SituationRecord specialization OperatorAction above it. GeneralInstructionOrMessageToRoadUsers is used to influence the behavior of road users. This includes instructions such as keeping to the right and not overtaking. In addition to the basic elements of a SituationRecord, specific elements of OperatorAction and NetworkManagement, the specialization includes two additional elements: the mandatory element generalInstructionOrMessageToRoadUsersType and generalMessageToRoadUsers.

The structure is as follows (elements from NetworkManagement are shown in a shortened form):


In this specialization, providing a classification of the instruction is mandatory. The different possibilities for this classification can be found in the possible domain values of the element generalInstructionOrMessageToRoadUsersType. This information may be supplemented with an additional message in the optional element generalMessageToRoadUsers.


An overview of the elements found in every specialization of a SituationRecord can be found here. In the case of the specialization GeneralInstructionOrMessageToRoadUsers, these elements are supplemented with the elements from the specializations OperatorAction, NetworkManagement, and GeneralInstructionOrMessageToRoadUsers itself.

Explanation of operatorActionStatus

The element operatorActionStatus is used to indicate the status of an operator-controlled dynamic traffic situation. It serves as a status indication for information about objects. In this example the application is explained further.

Limitations to content situationRecord

Within the context of VM-IVRA, specific interpretation has been agreed for general fields in the situationRecord element. This interpretation is explained in more detail below. See also the specific product page "Digital Advance Notice".

Element Type Mandatory Domain Description
situationRecordCreationReference String Yes n/a Reference to situationRecord_id in road works feed
situationRecordCreationTime DateTime Yes Date and time as UTC (Zulu notation) The time in UTC that this part of the situation is active
situationRecordVersionTime DateTime Yes Date and time as UTC (Zulu notation) The time in UTC that the relevant version became active
probabilityOfOccurrence ProbabilityOfOccurrenceEnum Yes certain Always certain when a preliminary announcement is published
source Source Yes n/a Name of the road authority that owns the notification
validity Validity Yes n/a Describes how the validity of the situation part is described. By default, the message becomes valid one week before the blockage occurs
locationReference LocationReference Yes n/a Line segment or composite line segment of the cause location in Diego

Values in the Domain field

The domain field only contains the selection of values ​​that appear from our feed. The data model allows more values ​​for this field than shown below.

Also look at GeneralNetworkManagement.

Element Type Mandatory Domain Description
operatorActionStatus OperatorActionStatusEnum Yes implemented The element operatorActionStatus is used to indicate the status of an operator-controlled dynamic traffic situation. This is a status indication for information about objects.
complianceOption ComplianceOptionEnum Yes advisory Indicates whether the situation described concerns advice or an obligation.
applicableForTrafficDirection ApplicableForTrafficDirection Yes n/a The element applicableForTrafficDirection is used to indicate the direction of traffic to which the road manager's action relates. The element is only used for records where the location reference is made based on RoadsideReferencePoints or openLR.
forVehiclesWithCharacteristicsOf ForVehiclesWithCharacteristicsOf Ja NVT The optional element forVehiclesWithCharacteristicsOf is used to indicate to which specific vehicles the traffic measure applies.
generalMessageToRoadUsers MultilingualString Yes N/A The textual information to be shared as preliminary announcement.

Element applicableForTrafficDirection

The element applicableForTrafficDirection is used to indicate the direction of traffic to which the road manager's action pertains. This element is only used in records where the location reference is based on 'RoadsideReferencePoints' or 'OpenLR'.

Type: Mandatory Domain
DirectionEnum No bothWays
XML Example
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