This is old text at the moment. Has to be updated when the new Dutch version is finished.
Traffic signs download API
API description
This API provides operations for the retrieval of traffic sign events. The API consists out of two services:
- A service to retrieve all traffic sign events in the system, per chunk of maximum 100 events.
- A service to retrieve the current state. The current state is updated every month.
API version
Change on 26-04-2021, to add “current-state” as endpoint.
Change on 09-12-2020, to add “town-code” as query parameter
Service GET traffic signs events chunk
Retrieve a chunk of traffic sign events.
This API endpoint provides a way to obtain all the published traffic
sign events in chunks, which are specified by the limit and offset query
parameters. The returned traffic sign events are ordered by their
publication_timestamp, oldest first.
So, the publication_timestamp of the last received event can be used to
obtain the subsequent chunk of events using the offset parameter. This
provides an easy way of stopping the retrieval of traffic sign events
and continuing it at a later point in time.
Because the publication_timestamp of events is potentially not unique, subsequent requests will include events of the given offset timestamp, to prevent potential events misses. Note that this will result in duplicate events being retrieved which nods to be handled at the client side properly.
HTTP methode
Query parameters
Fieldname | Description | Datatype with example |
offset | Timestamp indicating the publication moment from which to retrieve the traffic sign events. This operation will also include events with a matching publication_timestamp. Required: false |
Datetime: Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ Example: 2020-04-27T12:34:56.123Z Default value: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z |
limit | Maximum number of traffic sign events returned (chunk size). Must be inclusive between 1 and 100 Required: false |
Integer Example: 1 Default value: 100 |
town-code | Town code that can be used to limit the area from which traffic signs are returned. Only traffic signs that have the exact matching town code will be returned. Also see: CBS Gemeentelijke Indelingen Required: false |
String Format: GM0000 Example: GM0321 Default value: '' |
GET https://data.ndw.nu/api/rest/static-road-data/traffic-signs/v1/events?offset= 2020-04-27T12:34:56.123Z&limit=100
GET https://data.ndw.nu/api/rest/static-road-data/traffic-signs/v1/events - dit zal de standaard queryparameterwaarden gebruiken
Response – 200 OK
Successfully retrieved the traffic sign events since and including the
given offset timestamp maxed to given limit number. The returned traffic
sign events are ordered by their publication_timestamp, oldest first.
The response body is in content-type application/json and is a
JSON-array of below JSON object description.
Fieldname | Description | Datatype with example |
id | Identifier uniquely indicating a traffic sign over events | Integer 23 |
type | Event type indicating the type of change on the traffic sign data | Type-field, possible values: created, updated, deleted |
schema_version | Version indicator of the data schema applied to the event | (major).(minor) e.g. 1.0 |
publication_timestamp | The moment the traffic sign event was published in UTC (ISO8601) | Datetime: 2020-04-27T12:34:56.123Z |
validated | Indicator if the data is validated or not | Alphanumeric n, j |
validated_on | Date on which the data is validated | Date 01/12/2020 |
user_id | Installer/Maintainer ID | Integer 38 |
organisation_id | Installer/Maintainer organisation ID | Integer 143 |
rvv_code | Alphanumeric A1, A1(Zone), A2 |
text_signs | Text from signs under the traffic sign | Array met Alphanumerice waardes [“300m”, “8-19h”] |
location.wgs84.latitude | Float 52.279 |
location.wgs84.longitude | Float 4.77898 |
location.rd.x | Float 113493 |
location.rd.y | Float 476951 |
location.placement | At the side of the road (L) or above the road (B) | Alphanumeric L, B |
location.side | Left or right when applicable for the road section, otherwise the compass of the traffic sign | Alphanumeric L, R, N Z, O, W |
location.road.name | Alphanumeric Waterwolftunnel |
location.road.type | Alphanumeric 1 (A-wegen) or 2 (N-wegen) |
location.road.number | Integer 201 |
location.road.wvk_id | Road section ID | Integer 226354035 |
location.county.name | Alphanumeric Aalsmeer |
location.county.code | Alphanumeric GM0358 |
location.county.townname | Alphanumeric Aalsmeer |
details.image | Link to the image of the traffic sign | Alphanumeric https://... |
details.first_seen | First time the traffic sign has been seen | Date 02/01/2020 |
details.last_seen | Last time the traffic sign has been seen so far | Date 03/01/2020 |
details.removed | Date when the traffic sign has been removed | Date 01/01/2020 |
Response – 400 Bad Request
The client sent a request that is not conforming to the specification.
The body of the response will hold information on the nature of the
Typically, this response is due to an error at the client side.
Error case examples:
- offset parameter not conforming to the format
- limit parameter not conforming the minimum or maximum size
- town-code parameter is bigger then the desired format, example: GM12345 instead of GM1234
Response – 500 Internal Server Error
The request is not successfully processed due to a technical issue or
The body of the request may hold information on the nature of the error.
If you have any questions about this API and the use of it, you can
contact the NDW Servicedesk.
If you have any questions about the content of the downloaded files we
would like to point you to the supllier of this data. The contact
details can be found in Toelichting open data verkeersborden en FAQ (Dutch).
Service GET traffic signs current state
Retrieve the newest current state of traffic signs. For every traffic sign the latest event is returned, except if the latest event has the event type 'deleted'.
The current state can be retrieved in two formats. By default the current state will be in JSON format. By setting the Accept header with “text/csv” or the content-type query parameter with “csv” onto the request, the current state will be returned in CSV format.
The current state is updated every month. Between every update the current state can be manually updated by using the “GET traffic signs events chunk” service.
HTTP methode
Query parameters
Veldnaam | Beschrijving | Datatype |
town-code | Town code that can be used to limit the area to which the current state applies. Only traffic signs that have the exact matching town code will be returned. Also see: CBS Gemeentelijke Indelingen Required: no |
String Format: GM0000 Example: GM0321 Default value: empty |
rvv-code | RVV code that can be used to filter the current state based on the RVV code of the traffic signs. All traffic signs that contain the given RVV code in (a part of) their RVV code will be returned. Also see: Reglement verkeersregels en verkeerstekens 1990 (RVV 1990) Bijlage 1. Verkeersborden Required: no |
String Example: A1 Default value: empty Maximum length: 50 |
road-section-ids | List of road section ids to filter on in the current state. The list has no limit for the amount of road section ids that can be put in. Road section ids are also known as 'NWB wegvakids' or 'wvk_id'. Only traffic signs with a matching road section id will be returned.: https://nationaalwegenbestand.nl/documenten - Download ‘Gebruikershandleiding_NWB_Wegen’ - Search for 'Wegvak-ID' for a Dutch explanation on road section ids Required: no |
String Format: list of integers Example: 234252051,234252052 Default value: empty |
content-type | Fill with "csv" to receive the current-state in CSV format instead of JSON. Note the Accept header on the request can also be used for this with value "text/csv". If left empty or with an incorrect value, the service will respond with the default JSON format. Required: no |
String Example: csv Default value: empty Maximum length: 3 |
Retrieves the latest events of A1 traffic signs in the township 0321 in
JSON format
Retrieves the latest events of A1 traffic signs on the road sections
from the roadsectionlist in CSV format
--header'Accept: text/csv'
Set the Accept header to retrieve the response in CSV format
--header'Accept-Encoding: gzip' --output current-state.gz
Set the Accept-Encoding header to save the response in zip format and
point towards a location to save it.
This will use the default query parameter values
Response – 200 OK
Succesfully retrieved the current state of traffic signs.
The response body has content-type application/json and is a JSON-array
of the JSON object description that can be found under “Request GET
verkeersborden events blok - Response – 200 OK”.
If the content-type queryparamet is filled with “csv” or the Accept
header is filled with “text-csv” the JSON will be flattened and returned
in CSV format.
Response – 400 Bad Request
The client sent a request that is not conforming to the specification.
The body of the response will hold information on the nature of the
error. Typically, this response is due to an error at the client side.
Error case examples:
- town-code parameter exceeds character limit of 6 characters
- rvv-code parameter exceeds character limit of 50 characters
- road-section-ids parameter contains non numeric values
- content-type parameter exceeds character limit of 3 characters
Response – 500 Internal Server Error
The request is not successfully processed due to a technical issue or
The body of the request may hold information on the nature of the error.
If you have any questions about this API and the use of it, you can
contact the NDW servicedesk (mail@servicedeskndw.nu)
If you have any questions about the content of the downloaded files we
would like to point you to the supllier of this data. The contact
details can be found in Toelichting open data verkeersborden en FAQ