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School zones in OTM format


In addition to school zones in DATEX II format, the NDW also offers school zones in the OTM (OpenTripModel) format. This is a data format that has been specially developed for the logistics sector. It is a 'lightweight' model that is based on routes on the road rather than event-oriented location reference. There may be restrictions on routes.

Structure and content

NDW translates relevant DATEX II messages into OTM constraints. In this context, for example redirects are not relevant, therefore they are omitted from the point of view of OTM constraints.

Here you can find general information about the OTM model and technical documentation can be found here.

Examples of the application of OTM as offered by NDW, can be found here.

Retreival format

This product can be obtained via the NCIS Web Portal. this page explains the ways in which data from NDW can be retrieved.

NDW offers a pull option for purchasing from school zones in OTM format.


If you have any questions about this product or problems with obtaining it, please contact the NDW Service Desk.

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