Conversion of DATEX II version 2.3 to DATEX II version 3 - The "Dutch Case without Dutch extensions"
Some preliminary remarks
Underlying the mapping described in this document is the version 2.3 NDW DATEX II v2.3 XSD. For version 3, an European XSD, so without modified enumerations, etc., has been used. Dutch extensions have been removed in this English version of the Dutch version 2.3 to version 3 documentation.
In DATEX II version 3, in contrast to DATEX II version 2.3, multiple namespaces are used. In this documentation, namespaces are not explicitly named, because this is at the expense of the readability of the text. If, when applying this documentation, it turns out in practice that not mentioning namespaces is a major omission, then a practical way to include this information can, of course, be investigated.
Not all elements from the used version 2.3 XSD are mapped to version 3. The scope of the conversion are the elements as described in the document Dutch Profile DATEX II 2015-2a. This scope contains fewer elements than included in the version 2.3 XSD. As said earlier, Dutch extensions have been omitted. And not necessarily a mapping from version 2.3 to version 3 for all classes and enumeration literals available in the full DATEX II European Model is provided in this documentation.
Watch out
If you are working on Dutch systems, the Dutch version of this documentation is leading because that documentation includes mappings for Dutch extensions.
Watch out
This documentation is derived from the Dutch version of a mapping specification tailored to work for mapping the DATEX II version 2.3 Dutch Profile to DATEX II version 3. Implementing a conversion based on this documentation might not work 100% for any general/new system.
In case there is a desire to create a specific version of this documentation, a MkDocs Material style markdown source file can be obtained upon request.
Functional requirements
- The converted result should not contain self-closing tags in places where they are not present in the input.
- If an xml node occurs multiple times in the input, all corresponding xml nodes in the output must be generated (iterating).
Reusable elements
VehicleCharacteristics maps to VehicleCharacteristics
In version 3 of the European DATEX II Model, the mandatory element typeOfWeight has been added. If the mandatory element typeOfWeight is present in the version 3 target profile, it must be filled with 'actual'.
Source VehicleCharacteristics (V2.3) |
Target VehicleCharacteristics (V3) |
Remark |
fuelType | fuelType | |
loadType | loadType | |
vehicleType | vehicleType | |
vehicleUsage | vehicleUsage | |
grossWeightCharacteristic | grossWeightCharacteristic | |
grossWeightCharacteristic.comparisonOperator | grossWeightCharacteristic.comparisonOperator | |
grossWeightCharacteristic.grossVehicleWeight | grossWeightCharacteristic.grossVehicleWeight | |
grossWeightCharacteristic.typeOfWeight | In version 3, the mandatory element typeOfWeight has been added. | |
heightCharacteristic | heightCharacteristic | |
heightCharacteristic.comparisonOperator | heightCharacteristic.comparisonOperator | |
heightCharacteristic.vehicleHeight | heightCharacteristic.vehicleHeight | |
lengthCharacteristic | lengthCharacteristic | |
lengthCharacteristic.comparisonOperator | lengthCharacteristic.comparisonOperator | |
lengthCharacteristic.vehicleLength | lengthCharacteristic.vehicleLength | |
widthCharacteristic | widthCharacteristic | |
widthCharacteristic.comparisonOperator | widthCharacteristic.comparisonOperator | |
widthCharacteristic.vehicleWidth | widthCharacteristic.vehicleWidth |
lane maps to lane>laneNumber and lane>laneUsage
Source LaneEnum (V2.3) |
Target 1 LaneEnum (V3) |
Target 2 laneNumber (V3) |
allLanesCompleteCarriageway | allLanesCompleteCarriageway | |
busLane | busLane | |
busStop | busStop | |
carPoolLane | carPoolLane | |
centralReservation | centralReservation | |
crawlerLane | crawlerLane | |
emergencyLane | emergencyLane | |
escapeLane | escapeLane | |
expressLane | expressLane | |
hardShoulder | hardShoulder | |
heavyVehicleLane | heavyVehicleLane | |
lane1 | 1 | |
lane2 | 2 | |
lane3 | 3 | |
lane4 | 4 | |
lane5 | 5 | |
lane6 | 6 | |
lane7 | 7 | |
lane8 | 8 | |
lane9 | 9 | |
layBy | layBy | |
leftHandTurningLane | leftHandTurningLane | |
leftLane | leftLane | |
localTrafficLane | localTrafficLane | |
middleLane | middleLane | |
opposingLanes | Not possible to map, element is not available in version 3 | |
overtakingLane | overtakingLane | |
rightHandTurningLane | rightHandTurningLane | |
rightLane | rightLane | |
rushHourLane | rushHourLane | |
setDownArea | setDownArea | |
slowVehicleLane | slowVehicleLane | |
throughTrafficLane | throughTrafficLane | |
tidalFlowLane | tidalFlowLane | |
turningLane | turningLane | |
verge | verge | |
Does not exist in v2.3, nothing to convert | cycleLane |
GroupOfLocations maps to LocationReference
Reusable elements GroupOfLocations
SupplementaryPositionalDescription and originalNumberOfLanes map to SupplementaryPositionalDescription
Input class v2.3 |
Source v2.3 |
Target SupplementaryPositionalDescription (V3) |
Remark |
SupplementaryPositionalDescription. | locationDescriptor | infrastructureDescriptor | With use of enumeration mapping |
SupplementaryPositionalDescription. | affectedCarriagewayAndLanes.lengthAffected | lengthAffected | |
SupplementaryPositionalDescription. | locationDescriptor | positionOnCarriageway | With use of enumeration mapping |
SupplementaryPositionalDescription. | affectedCarriagewayAndLanes.carriageway | carriageway.carriageway | |
Impact. | originalNumberOfLanes | carriageway.originalNumberOfLanes | |
SupplementaryPositionalDescription. | affectedCarriagewayAndLanes.lane | carriageway.lane.laneNumber | With use of enumeration mapping |
SupplementaryPositionalDescription. | affectedCarriagewayAndLanes.lane | carriageway.lane.laneUsage | With use of enumeration mapping |
LocationDescriptor maps to infrastructureDescriptor and positionOnCarriageway
Source locationDescriptor (V2.3) |
Target 1 infrastructureDescriptor (V3) |
Target 2 positionOnCarriageway (V3) |
atMotorwayInterchange | atMotorwayInterchange | |
atRestArea | atRestArea | |
atServiceArea | atServiceArea | |
atTollPlaza | atTollPlaza | |
atTunnelEntryOrExit | atTunnelEntryOrExit | |
inGallery | inGallery | |
inTunnel | inTunnel | |
onBridge | onBridge | |
onConnector | onConnector | |
onElevatedSection | onElevatedSection | |
onFlyover | onFlyover | |
onIceRoad | onIceRoad | |
onLevelCrossing | onLevelCrossing | |
onLinkRoad | onLinkRoad | |
onRoundabout | onRoundabout | |
onTheRoadway | onTheRoadway | |
onUndergroundSection | onUndergroundSection | |
onUnderpass | onUnderpass | |
withinJunction | withinJunction | |
onTheLeft | onTheLeft | |
onTheRight | onTheRight | |
inTheCentre | inTheCentre |
openlrFunctionaRoadClassEnum maps to openlrFunctionalRoadClassEnum
Source openlrFunctionaRoadClassEnum (V2.3) |
Target openlrFunctionaRoadClassEnum (V3) |
FRC0 | frc0 |
FRC1 | frc1 |
FRC2 | frc2 |
FRC3 | frc3 |
FRC4 | frc4 |
FRC5 | frc5 |
FRC6 | frc6 |
FRC7 | frc7 |
alertCDirectionEnum maps to alertCDirectionEnum
The specifications below describes the usage of alertCDirectionEnum for the Dutch Profile. If you use this specification, carefully check if the conversion below suits the specifications that are used in your country.
Source alertCDirectionEnum (V2.3) |
Target alertCDirectionEnum (V3) |
positive | positive |
negative | negative |
otherwise | positive |
- Version 2.3 definition alertCDirectionEnum = "The direction of traffic flow to which the situation, traffic data or information is related. Positive is in the direction of coding of the road."
- Version 3 definition alertCDirectionEnum = "Direction of navigation with respect to secondary to primary location (RDS direction)"
alertCDirectionEnum maps to linearDirectionEnum
The specifications below describes the usage of alertCDirectionEnum for the Dutch Profile. If you use this specification, carefully check if the conversion below suits the specifications that are used in your country.
Source alertCDirectionEnum (V2.3) |
Target linearDirectionEnum (V3) |
positive | aligned |
negative | aligned |
both | both |
unknown | unknown |
- Version 2.3 definition alertCDirectionEnum = "The direction of traffic flow to which the situation, traffic data or information is related. Positive is in the direction of coding of the road."
- Version 3 definition LinearDirectionEnum = "The direction(s) of traffic flow to which the situation, traffic data or information is related."
Linear maps to SingleRoadLinearLocation or to LinearLocation
- If in a version 2.3 Linear both AlertCLinear type AlertCMethod2Linear and AlertCLinear type AlertCMethod4Linear are not included, and openLrExtendedLinear is included, then the entire content of Linear must be mapped to version 3 LinearLocation
- If a version 2.3 Linear contains at least one of AlertCLinear type AlertCMethod2Linear or AlertCLinear type AlertCMethod4Linear, then the entire content of Linear must be mapped to version 3 SingleRoadLinearLocation
locationForDisplay maps to coordinatesForDisplay
- locationForDisplay.latitude maps to coordinatesForDisplay.latitude
- locationForDisplay.longitude maps to coordinatesForDisplay.longitude
SupplementaryPositionalDescription maps to SupplementaryPositionalDescription
Click here for the mapping to version 3 SupplementaryPositionalDescription.
AlertCLinear type AlertCMethod2Linear maps to AlertCLinear type AlertCMethod2Linear
The elements of AlertCLinear type AlertCMethod2Linear, with two exceptions, see below, map 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3 AlertCLinear type AlertCMethod2Linear.
- Version 2.3 alertCDirectionCoded maps to version 3 alertCDirectionCoded according to this enumeration mapping
- Version 2.3 alertCDirectionCoded maps to version 3 alertCAffectedDirection according to this enumeration mapping
AlertCLinear type AlertCMethod4Linear maps to AlertCLinear type AlertCMethod4Linear
The elements of AlertCLinear type AlertCMethod4Linear, with two exceptions, see below, map 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3 AlertCLinear type AlertCMethod4Linear.
- Version 2.3 alertCDirectionCoded maps to version 3 alertCDirectionCoded according to this enumeration mapping
- Version 2.3 alertCDirectionCoded maps to version 3 alertCAffectedDirection according to this enumeration mapping
linearByCoordinatesExtension maps to gmlLineString
Not appliccable for the European DATEX II profile.
The Dutch DATEX II version 2.3 profile has a linearByCoordinatesExtension. If you are working on Dutch systems, please look at the Dutch version of this documentation.
openLrExtendedLinear maps to openLrLinear
openLrExtendedLinear maps, with two exceptions, see below, to openLrLinear. The next two points should be mapped as follows:
- Version 2.3 openlrCoordinate maps to version 3 openlrCoordinates
- Version 2.3 openlrFunctionalRoadClass and openlrLowestFRCToNextLRPoint map 1-op-1 to the same element in version 3 if the enumeration literals are converted from upper case to lower case. See the enumeration mapping over here.
Point maps to PointLocation
locationForDisplay maps to coordinatesForDisplay
- locationForDisplay.latitude maps to coordinatesForDisplay.latitude
- locationForDisplay.longitude maps to coordinatesForDisplay.longitude
SupplementaryPositionalDescription maps to SupplementaryPositionalDescription
Click here for the mapping to version 3 SupplementaryPositionalDescription.
alertCPoint type AlertCMethod2Point maps to alertCPoint type AlertCMethod2Point
The elements of alertCPoint type AlertCMethod2Point map, with two exceptions, see below, 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3 alertCPoint type AlertCMethod2Point.
- Version 2.3 alertCDirectionCoded maps to version 3 alertCDirectionCoded according to this enumeration mapping
- Version 2.3 alertCDirectionCoded maps to version 3 alertCAffectedDirection according to this enumeration mapping
alertCPoint type AlertCMethod4Point maps to alertCPoint type AlertCMethod4Point
The elements of alertCPoint type AlertCMethod4Point map, with two exceptions, see below, from version 2.3 to version 3 alertCPoint type AlertCMethod4Point.
- Version 2.3 alertCDirectionCoded maps to version 3 alertCDirectionCoded according to this enumeration mapping
- Version 2.3 alertCDirectionCoded maps to version 3 alertCAffectedDirection according to this enumeration mapping
openlrPointAlongLine maps to openlrPointLocationReference type OpenlrPointAlongLine
<loc:openlrPointLocationReference xmlns="" xsi:type="loc:OpenlrPointAlongLine">
pointByCoordinates maps to pointByCoordinates
The version 2.3 element tree pointByCoordinates maps 1-to-1 to version 3 element tree pointByCoordinates.
pointExtension>pointExtension>roadsideReferencePoint maps to SupplementaryPositionalDescription
Not appliccable for the European DATEX II profile.
The Dutch DATEX II version 2.3 profile has pointExtension>roadsideReferencePoint. If you are working on Dutch systems, please look at the Dutch version of this documentation.
pointExtension>openLrExtendedPoint>openLrPointAlongLine maps to openLrPointLocationReference type OpenlrPointAlongLine
openLrPointAlongLine maps, with two exceptions, see below, to openLrPointLocationReference type OpenlrPointAlongLine. The next two points should be mapped as follows:
- Version 2.3 openlrCoordinate maps to version 3 openlrCoordinates
- Version 2.3 openlrFunctionalRoadClass and openlrLowestFRCToNextLRPoint map 1-op-1 to the same element in version 3 if the enumeration literals are converted from upper case to lower case. See the enumeration mapping over here.
NonOrderedLocationGroupByList maps to LocationGroupByList
Both version 2.3 NonOrderedLocationGroupByList and version 3 LocationGroupByList contain the locationContainedInGroup element. The type of locationContainedInGroup is chosen depending on the application.
- Version 2.3 Linear maps to version 3 LinearLocation or SingleRoadLinearLocation; see here for more detail.
- Version 2.3 Point maps to version 3 PointLocation; see here for more detail.
Area maps to AreaLocation
locationForDisplay maps to coordinatesForDisplay
- locationForDisplay.latitude maps to coordinatesForDisplay.latitude
- locationForDisplay.longitude maps to coordinatesForDisplay.longitude
alertCArea maps to alertCArea
The elements of alertCArea map 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3 alertCArea.
Not appliccable for the European DATEX II profile.
The Dutch DATEX II version 2.3 profile has an extension areaExtended>polygonArea. If you are working on Dutch systems, please look at the Dutch version of this documentation.
Use of the openlrExtendedArea extension has not been detected in Dutch data. Partly for this reason, the mapping of openlrExtendedArea has not yet been elaborated.
ItineraryByIndexedLocations maps to ItineraryByIndexedLocations
The mapping from version 2.3 ItineraryByIndexedLocations maps to version 3 ItineraryByIndexedLocations as described below. References to necessary sub-mappings are included.
- Version 2.3 routeDestination type AreaDestination maps to version 3 routeDestination type AreaDestination
- Area maps to AreaLocation, see here
- Version 2.3 routeDestination type PointDestination maps to version 3 routeDestination type PointDestination
- Point maps to PointLocation, see here
- Version 2.3 locationContainedInItinerary maps to version 3 locationContainedInItinerary
SituationPublication maps to SituationPublication
Source payloadPublication xsi:type="SituationPublication" (V2.3) |
Target payload xsi:type="sit:SituationPublication" (V3) |
Remark |
lang | lang | |
modelBaseVersion | Fill this required element for version 3 with the value 3 | |
publicationTime | publicationTime | |
publicationCreator | publicationCreator | | | | |
publicationCreator.nationalIdentifier | publicationCreator.nationalIdentifier |
<payloadPublication xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="SituationPublication" lang="nl">
... here situation(s)...
<payload xsi:type="sit:SituationPublication" lang="nl" modelBaseVersion="3">
... here situation(s)...
Situation maps to Situation
Source situation (V2.3) |
Target situation (V3) |
Remark |
---|---|---| | | |
situation.version | In version 3, situation.version does not exist, so it cannot be mapped. | |
overallSeverity | overallSeverity | |
relatedSituation | relatedSituation | In version 3, the reference is implemented differently. In version 3, a relatedSituation must be created with an objectReference in it |
relatedSituation | objectReference | | | | |
relatedSituation.version | In version 3, situation.version does not exist, so it cannot be mapped. | |
targetClass | targetClass | The targetClass in version 3 must be provided with the correct namespace prefix. If "sit" is the prefix of the SituationPublication namespace from V3, "sit:" must be inserted before the value of the targetClass as it is included in V2.3 |
situationVersionTime | situationVersionTime | |
headerInformation | headerInformation | |
headerInformation.confidentiality | headerInformation.confidentiality | |
headerInformation.informationStatus | headerInformation.informationStatus |
<situation id="RWS01_SP448064_D2" version="18">
<relatedSituation targetClass="Situation" id="RWS01_SM811801_D2" version="15"/>
... here situationRecord(s)...
<sit:situation id="RWS01_SM811801_D2">
<sit:overallSeverity xmlns="">medium</sit:overallSeverity>
<sit:situationVersionTime xmlns="">2022-11-16T09:12:10Z</sit:situationVersionTime>
<sit:headerInformation xmlns="">
... here situationRecord(s)...
<sit:relatedSituation xmlns=“”>
<sit:objectReference id=“RWS01_SP448064_D2” targetClass=“sit:Situation”/>
SituationRecord (base type) maps to SituationRecord (base type)
The following elements map 1-to-1.
Source situationRecord (V2.3) |
Target situationRecord (V3) |
---|---| | |
situationRecord.version | situationRecord.version |
situationRecordCreationTime | situationRecordCreationTime |
situationRecordFirstSupplierVersionTime | situationRecordFirstSupplierVersionTime |
situationRecordObservationTime | situationRecordObservationTime |
situationRecordVersionTime | situationRecordVersionTime |
situationRecordCreationReference | situationRecordCreationReference |
probabilityOfOccurrence | probabilityOfOccurrence |
SituationRecordExtension > SituationRecordExtendedApproved > safetyRelatedMessage |
safetyRelatedMessage |
Source maps to Source
The structure of the Source element tree is analogous for version 2.3 and version 3. All elements must be mapped 1-to-1.
Validity maps to Validity
Source validity (V2.3) |
Target validity (V3) |
Remark |
validityStatus | validityStatus | |
overrunning | overrunning | |
validityTimeSpecification.overallStartTime | validityTimeSpecification.overallStartTime | |
validityTimeSpecification.overallEndTime | validityTimeSpecification.overallEndTime | |
validityTimeSpecification.validPeriod.startOfPeriod | validityTimeSpecification.validPeriod.startOfPeriod | |
validityTimeSpecification.validPeriod.endOfPeriod | validityTimeSpecification.validPeriod.endOfPeriod | |
validityTimeSpecification.validPeriod.periodName | validityTimeSpecification.validPeriod.periodName | |
validityTimeSpecification.validPeriod.recurringTimePeriodOfDay.startTimeOfPeriod | validityTimeSpecification.validPeriod.recurringTimePeriodOfDay.startTimeOfPeriod | version 2.3: recurringTimePeriodOfDay = recurringTimePeriodOfDay xsi-type="TimePeriodByHour" |
validityTimeSpecification.validPeriod.recurringTimePeriodOfDay.endTimeOfPeriod | validityTimeSpecification.validPeriod.recurringTimePeriodOfDay.endTimeOfPeriod | version 2.3: recurringTimePeriodOfDay = recurringTimePeriodOfDay xsi-type="TimePeriodByHour" |
validityTimeSpecification.validPeriod.recurringDayWeekMonthPeriod.applicableDay | validityTimeSpecification.validPeriod.recurringDayWeekMonthPeriod.applicableDay | |
validityTimeSpecification.validPeriod.recurringDayWeekMonthPeriod.applicableWeek | Zie noot | |
validityTimeSpecification.validPeriod.recurringDayWeekMonthPeriod.applicableMonth | validityTimeSpecification.validPeriod.recurringDayWeekMonthPeriod.applicableMonth | |
validityTimeSpecification.exceptionPeriod.startOfPeriod | validityTimeSpecification.exceptionPeriod.startOfPeriod | |
validityTimeSpecification.exceptionPeriod.endOfPeriod | validityTimeSpecification.exceptionPeriod.endOfPeriod | |
validityTimeSpecification.exceptionPeriod.periodName | validityTimeSpecification.exceptionPeriod.periodName | |
validityTimeSpecification.exceptionPeriod.recurringTimePeriodOfDay.startTimeOfPeriod | validityTimeSpecification.exceptionPeriod.recurringTimePeriodOfDay.startTimeOfPeriod | version 2.3: recurringTimePeriodOfDay = recurringTimePeriodOfDay xsi-type="TimePeriodByHour" |
validityTimeSpecification.exceptionPeriod.recurringTimePeriodOfDay.endTimeOfPeriod | validityTimeSpecification.exceptionPeriod.recurringTimePeriodOfDay.endTimeOfPeriod | version 2.3: recurringTimePeriodOfDay = recurringTimePeriodOfDay xsi-type="TimePeriodByHour" |
validityTimeSpecification.exceptionPeriod.recurringDayWeekMonthPeriod.applicableDay | validityTimeSpecification.exceptionPeriod.recurringDayWeekMonthPeriod.applicableDay | |
validityTimeSpecification.exceptionPeriod.recurringDayWeekMonthPeriod.applicableWeek | Zie noot | |
validityTimeSpecification.exceptionPeriod.recurringDayWeekMonthPeriod.applicableMonth | validityTimeSpecification.exceptionPeriod.recurringDayWeekMonthPeriod.applicableMonth |
- recurringDayWeekMonthPeriod.applicableWeek has not been found in Dutch data. Therefore the mapping of this element has not (yet) been described.
- exceptionPeriod has not been found in Dutch data. Therefore the mapping of this element has not (yet) been described.
Impact maps to Impact, SupplementaryPositionalDescription and TrafficElement
Source Impact (V2.3) |
Target Impact (V3) |
Remark |
capacityRemaining | capacityRemaining | |
numberOfLanesRestricted | numberOfLanesRestricted | |
numberOfOperationalLanes | numberOfOperationalLanes | |
orignalNumberOfLanes | SupplementaryPositionalDescription.Carriageway.originalNumberOfLanes | Element moved in version 3 |
residualRoadWidth | residualRoadWidth | |
trafficConstrictionType | TrafficElement.trafficConstrictionType | Element moved in version 3 |
delays.delayBand | delays.delayBand | |
delays.delaysType | delays.delaysType | |
delays.delayTimeValue | delays.delayTimeValue |
Click here for more context for the mapping of Impact.originalNumberOfLanes to version 3 SupplementaryPositionalDescription.carriageway.originalNumberOfLanes.
- Definition of:
- Version 2.3 trafficConstrictionType = "The type of constriction to which traffic is subjected as a result of an event or operator action."
- Version 3 TrafficElement.trafficConstrictionType = "The type of constriction to which traffic is subjected as a result of an unplanned event"
- Definition of:
- Version 2.3 originalNumberOfLanes = "The normal number of usable lanes in the specified direction that the carriageway has before reduction due to roadworks or traffic events."
- Version 3 SupplementaryPositionalDescription.Carriageway.originalNumberOfLanes = "Normal number of lanes, potentially available for moving traffic, before reduction due to situations. Hard shoulder should not be counted unless it is sometimes used operationally for moving traffic."
Cause maps to Cause
Source cause xsi:type="NonManagedCause" (V2.3) |
Target cause (V3) |
causeDescription | causeDescription |
causeType | causeType |
Source cause xsi:type="ManagedCause" (V2.3) |
Target cause.managedCause (V3) |
Remark |
managedCause | cause.managedCause.objectReference | | | | |
managedCause.version | cause.managedCause.objectReference.version | |
managedCause.targetClass | cause.managedCause.objectReference.targetClass | The targetClass in version 3 must be provided with the correct namespace prefix. If "sit" is the prefix of the SituationPulication namespace from version 3, "sit:" must be inserted before the value of the targetClass as included in version 2.3 |
generalPublicComment maps to generalPublicComment
The structure of the element tree generalPublicComment is analogous for version 2.3 and version 3. All elements map 1-to-1.
UrlLink maps to UrlLink
The structure of the element tree UrlLink is analogous for version 2.3 and version 3. All elements map 1-to-1.
GroupOfLocations maps to LocationReference
NonRoadEventInformation (abstract) maps to ServiceInformation (abstract)
The abstract class NonRoadEventInformation contains no elements that have to be mapped.
TransitInformation maps to TransitInformation
Elements transitServiceInformation and transitServiceType map 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3
RoadsideServiceDisruption maps to ServiceDisruption
Version 2.3 element roadsideServiceDisruptionType maps to version 3 element ServiceDisruptionType.
CarParks maps to ServiceDisruption
The DATEX II versionn 2.3 specialization NonRoadEventInformation>Carparks no longer exists in DATEX II version 3. This section describes a limited mapping to version 3 ServiceDisruption.
CarParks can be mapped to Service Information>Service Disruption with ServiceDisruptionType = noParkingAvailability.
This must be done for the enumerations of CarParkStatusEnum as described in the table below.
Source CarParkStatusEnum (V2.3) |
Target ServiceDisruptionTypeEnum (V3) |
carParkClosed | noParkingAvailability |
allCarParksFull | noParkingAvailability |
carParkFull | noParkingAvailability |
noMoreParkingSpacesAvailable | noParkingAvailability |
Not mapped in this mapping | Not used in this mapping |
carParkFacilityFaulty | barClosed |
carParkStatusUnknown | dieselShortage |
enoughSpacesAvailable | fuelShortage |
multiStoryCarParksFull | lpgShortage |
noParkAndRideInformation | methaneShortage |
noParkingAllowed | noDieselForHeavyVehicles |
noParkingInformationAvailable | noDieselForLightVehicles |
normalParkingRestrictionsLifted | noPublicTelephones |
onlyAFewSpacesAvailable | noToiletFacilities |
parkAndRideServiceNotOperating | noVehicleRepairFacilities |
parkAndRideServiceOperating | petrolShortage |
specialParkingRestrictionsInForce | restAreaBusy |
restAreaClosed | |
restAreaOvercrowdedDriveToAnotherRestArea | |
serviceAreaBusy | |
serviceAreaClosed | |
serviceAreaFuelStationClosed | |
serviceAreaOvercrowdedDriveToAnotherServiceArea | |
serviceAreaRestaurantClosed | |
someCommercialServicesClosed | |
waterShortage |
- Version 2.3 element carParkIdentity is not mapped, if desired, it could be mapped, for example, to a generalPublicComment.
TrafficElement (abstract) maps to TrafficElement (abstract)
Pay attention
The version 2.3 element Impact>trafficConstrictionType maps to version 3 element TrafficElement>trafficConstrictionType.
Conditions maps to Conditions
Element drivingConditionType maps 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3.
PoorEnvironmentConditions maps to PoorEnvironmentConditions
Element PoorEnvironmentType maps 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3.
The element tree Visibility maps to the element tree Visibility.
RoadConditions (abstract) maps to RoadSurfaceConditions (abstract)
The abstract class RoadConditions contains no elements that have to be mapped.
NonWeatherRelatedRoadConditions maps to NonWeatherRelatedRoadConditions
Element nonWeatherRelatedRoadConditionType maps 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3.
WeatherRelatedRoadConditions maps to WeatherRelatedRoadConditions
The version 2.3 values/enumeration literals of WeatherRelatedRoadConditionType/WeatherRelatedRoadConditionTypeEnum are, with exception of one, one 1-to-1 mappable to the corresponding version 3 literals. The exception WeatherRelatedRoadConditionTypeEnum literal 'slipperyRoad' should be recoded to 'slippery'.
AbnormalTraffic maps to AbnormalTraffic
Elements abnormalTrafficType, queueLength, relativeTrafficFlow, trafficFlowCharacteristics and trafficTrendType map 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3
EquipmentOrSystemFault maps to EquipmentOrSystemFault
Elements equipmentOrSystemFaultType and faultyEquipmentOrSystemType map 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3
Accident maps to Accident
accidentType maps to accidentType and collisionType
Source AccidentTypeEnum (V2.3) |
Target 1 AccidentTypeEnum (V3) |
Target 2 CollisionTypeEnum (V3) |
accident | accident | |
accidentInvolvingBicycles | accident | |
accidentInvolvingBuses | accident | |
accidentInvolvingHazardousMaterials | accidentInvolvingHazardousMaterials | |
accidentInvolvingHeavyLorries | accidentInvolvingHeavyLorries | |
accidentInvolvingMassTransitVehicle | accidentInvolvingMassTransitVehicle | |
accidentInvolvingMopeds | accident | |
accidentInvolvingMotorcycles | accident | |
accidentInvolvingRadioactiveMaterial | accidentInvolvingRadioactiveMaterial | |
accidentInvolvingTrain | accidentInvolvingTrain | |
chemicalSpillageAccident | accident | |
collision | collision | |
collisionWithAnimal | collision | collisionWithAnimal |
collisionWithObstruction | collision | collisionWithObstacle |
collisionWithPerson | collision | collisionWithPerson |
earlierAccident | accident | |
fuelSpillageAccident | accident | |
headOnCollision | collision | headOnCollision |
headOnOrSideCollision | collision | headOnOrSideCollision |
jackknifedArticulatedLorry | accident | |
jackknifedCaravan | accident | |
jackknifedTrailer | accident | |
multipleVehicleCollision | collision | multipleVehicleCollision |
multivehicleAccident | multipleVehicleAccident | |
oilSpillageAccident | accident | |
overturnedHeavyLorry | accident | |
overturnedTrailer | accident | |
overturnedVehicle | accident | |
rearCollision | collision | rearCollision |
secondaryAccident | secondaryAccident | |
seriousAccident | accident | |
sideCollision | collision | sideCollision |
vehicleOffRoad | accident | |
vehicleSpunAround | accident | |
other | other | |
Does not exist in v2.3, nothing to convert | accidentInvolvingPublicTransport | |
Does not exist in v2.3, nothing to convert | seriousInjuryOrFatalAccident | |
Does not exist in v2.3, nothing to convert | vehicleStuckUnderBridge |
Obstruction (abstract) maps to Obstruction (abstract)
The abstract class Obstruction contains no elements that have to be mapped.
Version 2.3 element tree mobilityOfObstruction maps to the version 3 element tree mobilityOfObstruction.
AnimalPresenceObstruction maps to AnimalPresenceObstruction
Elements alive and animalPresenceType map 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3
EnvironmentalObstruction maps to EnvironmentalObstruction
Element environmentalObstructionType maps 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3.
InfrastructureDamageObstruction maps to InfrastructureDamageObstruction
Element infrastructureDamageType maps 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3.
GeneralObstruction maps to GeneralObstruction
Element ObstructionType must be mapped from version 2.3 to version 3.
The version 2.3 values/enumeration literals of obstructionType/ObstructionTypeEnum are mostly mappable 1-to-1 to the corresponding version 3 literals.
The ObstructionTypeEnum literals highSpeedChase, houseFire and recklessDriver, no longer exist in version 3 and should be mapped to 'other'.
VehicleObstruction maps to VehicleObstruction
Element vehicleObstructionType must be mapped from version 2.3 to version 3 according to a conversion table.
vehicleObstructionType maps to vehicleObstructionType
Source VehicleObstructionTypeEnum (V2.3) |
Target VehicleObstructionTypeEnum (V3) |
abandonedVehicle | abandonedVehicle |
abnormalLoad | abnormalLoad |
brokenDownBus | brokenDownVehicle |
brokenDownHeavyLorry | brokenDownVehicle |
brokenDownVehicle | brokenDownVehicle |
convoy | convoy |
damagedVehicle | damagedVehicle |
dangerousSlowMovingVehicle | dangerousSlowMovingVehicle |
emergencyVehicle | emergencyVehicle |
highSpeedEmergencyVehicle | highSpeedEmergencyVehicle |
longLoad | longLoad |
militaryConvoy | militaryConvoy |
overheightVehicle | overheightVehicle |
prohibitedVehicleOnTheRoadway | prohibitedVehicleOnTheRoad |
slowMovingMaintenanceVehicle | slowVehicle |
slowVehicle | slowVehicle |
trackLayingVehicle | trackedVehicle |
unlitVehicleOnTheRoad | unlitVehicleOnTheRoad |
vehicleOnFire | vehicleOnFire |
vehicleCarryingHazardousMaterials | vehicleCarryingHazardousMaterials |
vehicleInDifficulty | vehicleInDifficulty |
vehicleOnWrongCarriageway | vehicleOnWrongCarriageway |
vehicleStuck | vehicleStuck |
vehicleStuckUnderBridge | vehicleStuck |
vehicleWithOverheightLoad | vehicleWithOverheightLoad |
vehicleWithOverwideLoad | vehicleWithOverwideLoad |
other | other |
saltingOrGrittingVehicleInUse | other |
snowplough | other |
Does not exist in v2.3, nothing to convert | highSpeedChase |
Does not exist in v2.3, nothing to convert | medicalEmergency |
Does not exist in v2.3, nothing to convert | recklessDriver |
Does not exist in v2.3, nothing to convert | winterMaintetanceVehicleInTransfer |
Does not exist in v2.3, nothing to convert | specialPermitTransport |
Activity (abstract) maps to Activity (abstract)
The abstract class Activity contains no elements that have to be mapped.
AuthorityOperation maps to AuthorityOperation
Element authorityOperationType maps 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3.
PublicEvent maps to PublicEvent
Element publicEventType maps 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3.
Element disturbanceActivityType maps 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3.
OperatorAction (abstract) maps to OperatorAction (abstract)
Element operatorActionStatus maps 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3.
RoadsideAssistance maps to RoadsideAssistance
Element roadsideAssistanceType maps 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3.
NetworkManagement (abstract) maps to NetworkManagement (abstract)
Elements applicableForTrafficDirection and complianceOption map 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3
The element tree forVehiclesWithCharateristicsOf maps to the element tree forVehiclesWithCharateristicsOf.
ReroutingManagement maps to ReroutingManagement
Elements reroutingManagementType, reroutingItineraryDescription and signedRerouting map 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3
The element tree alternative Route maps to the element tree alternative Route.
SpeedManagement maps to SpeedManagement
Elements speedManagementType and temporarySpeedLimit map 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3
RoadOrCarriagewayOrLaneManagement maps to RoadOrCarriagewayOrLaneManagement
Element roadOrCarriagewayOrLaneManagementType maps 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3.
GeneralInstructionOrMessageToRoadUsers maps to GeneralInstructionOrMessageToRoadUsers
Elements generalInstructionToRoadUsersType and generalMessageToRoadUsers map 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3
GeneralNetworkManagement maps to GeneralNetworkManagement
Elements generalNetworkManagementType and trafficManuallyDirectedBy map 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3
RoadWorks (abstract) maps to RoadWorks (abstract)
Source RoadWorks (V2.3) |
Target RoadWorks (V3) |
Remark |
roadworksDuration | roadworksDurationClassification | Element has a different name in version 3, enumeration literals have remained the same. |
roadworksScale | roadworksScale | |
urgentRoadWorks | urgentRoadWorks | |
Mobility | Mobility | |
mobility.mobilityType | mobility.mobilityType |
The Dutch DATEX II version 2.3 profile has a RoadworksExtension. If you are working on Dutch systems, please look at the Dutch version of this documentation.
Subjects maps to Subjects
Element Subjects.subjectTypeOfWorks maps 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3.
The Dutch DATEX II version 2.3 profile has an extension for Subjects.subjectTypeOfWorks. If you are working on Dutch systems, please look at the Dutch version of this documentation.
ConstructionWorks maps to ConstructionWorks
Element constructionWorkType maps 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3.
MaintenanceWorks maps to MaintenanceWorks
Element roadMaintenanceType maps 1-to-1 from version 2.3 to version 3.
MeasurementSiteTablePublication maps to MeasurementSiteTablePublication
Source payloadPublication xsi:type="MeasurementSiteTablePublication" (V2.3) |
Target payload xsi:type="roa:MeasurementSiteTablePublication" (V3) |
Remark |
lang | lang | |
modelBaseVersion | Fill this required element for version 3 with the value 3 | |
publicationTime | publicationTime | |
publicationCreator | publicationCreator | | | | |
publicationCreator.nationalIdentifier | publicationCreator.nationalIdentifier | |
headerInformation.confidentiality | headerInformation.confidentiality | |
headerInformation.informationStatus | headerInformation.informationStatus | | | | |
MeasurementSiteTable.version | MeasurementSiteTable.version | | | | MeasurementSiteRecord has been renamed to MeasurementSite in version 3 |
---.MeasurementSiteRecord.version | ---.MeasurementSite.version | |
---.MeasurementSiteRecord.measurementSiteRecordVersionTime | ---.MeasurementSite.MeasurementSiteVersionTime | |
---.MeasurementSiteRecord.computationMethod | ---.MeasurementSite.measurementSpecificCharacteristics.computationMethod | Element moved in version 3 |
---.MeasurementSiteRecord.measurementEquipmentReference | ---.MeasurementSite.measurementEquipmentReference | |
---.MeasurementSiteRecord.measurementEquipmentTypeUsed | ---.MeasurementSite.measurementEquipmentTypeUsed | |
---.MeasurementSiteRecord.measurementSiteName | ---.MeasurementSite.measurementSiteName | |
---.MeasurementSiteRecord.measurementSiteNumberOfLanes | ---.MeasurementSite.measurementSiteNumberOfLanes | |
---.MeasurementSiteRecord.measurementSide | ---.MeasurementSite.measurementSpecificCharacteristics.measurementSide | Element moved in version 3 |
---.---.measurementSpecificCharacteristics.index | ---.---.measurementSpecificCharacteristics.index | |
---.---.measurementSpecificCharacteristics.accuracy | ---.---.measurementSpecificCharacteristics.accuracy | |
---.---.measurementSpecificCharacteristics.period | ---.---.measurementSpecificCharacteristics.period | |
---.---.measurementSpecificCharacteristics.smoothingFactor | ---.---.measurementSpecificCharacteristics.smoothingFactor | |
---.---.measurementSpecificCharacteristics.specificLane | ---.---.measurementSpecificCharacteristics.specificLane.laneNumber | Using enumeration mapping |
---.---.measurementSpecificCharacteristics.specificLane | ---.---.measurementSpecificCharacteristics.specificLane.laneUsage | Using enumeration mapping |
---.---.measurementSpecificCharacteristics.specificMeasurementValueType | ---.---.measurementSpecificCharacteristics.specificMeasurementValueType | |
---.---.---.specificVehicleCharacteristics.vehicleType | ---.---.---.specificVehicleCharacteristics.vehicleType | |
---.---.---.---.lengthCharacteristic.comparisonOperator | ---.---.---.---.lengthCharacteristic.comparisonOperator | |
---.---.---.---.lengthCharacteristic.vehicleLength | ---.---.---.---.lengthCharacteristic.vehicleLength | |
---.---.measurementSiteLocation xsi:type="ItineraryByIndexedLocations" | ---.---.measurementSiteLocation xsi:type="ItineraryByIndexedLocations" | Using this mapping |
---.---.measurementSiteLocation xsi:type="Point" | ---.---.measurementSiteLocation xsi:type="PointLocation" | Using this mapping |
MeasuredDataPublication maps to MeasuredDataPublication
Source payloadPublication xsi:type="MeasuredDataPublication" (V2.3) |
Target payload xsi:type="roa:MeasuredDataPublication" (V3) |
Remark |
lang | lang | |
modelBaseVersion | Fill this required element for version 3 with the value 3 | |
publicationTime | publicationTime | |
publicationCreator | publicationCreator | | | | |
publicationCreator.nationalIdentifier | publicationCreator.nationalIdentifier | | | | |
measurementSiteTableReference.version | measurementSiteTableReference.version | |
measurementSiteTableReference.targetClass | measurementSiteTableReference.targetClass | The targetClass in version 3 must be provided with the correct namespace prefix. If "roa" is the prefix of the MeasuredDataPublication namespace from V3, "roa:" must be inserted before the value of the targetClass as it is included in V2.3. Example: roa:MeasurementSiteTable |
headerInformation | headerInformation | |
headerInformation.confidentiality | headerInformation.confidentiality | |
headerInformation.informationStatus | headerInformation.informationStatus | |
SiteMeasurements | SiteMeasurements | | | | |
---.measurementSiteReference.version | ---.measurementSiteReference.version | |
---.measurementSiteReference.targetClass | ---.measurementSiteReference.targetClass | The targetClass in version 3 must be provided with the correct namespace prefix. If "roa" is the prefix of the MeasuredDataPublication namespace from V3, "roa:" must be inserted before the value of the targetClass as it is included in V2.3. In this case, the version 2.3 suffix "-Record" must also be removed Example: roa:MeasurementSite |
---.measurementTimeDefault | measurementTimeDefault.timeValue |
measuredValue maps to physicalQuantity
Source measuredValue (V2.3) |
Target physicalQuantity (V3) |
measuredValue.index | physicalQuantity.index |
measuredValue.measuredValue | physicalQuantity xsi:type="SinglePhysicalQuantity" |
---.---.measurementEquipmentTypeUsed | ---.measurementEquipmentTypeUsed |
basicData maps to basicData
basicData type TrafficFlow maps to basicData type TrafficFlow
Source basicData xsi:type ="TrafficFlow" (V2.3) |
Target basicData xsi:type="TrafficFlow" (V3) |
Remark |
measurementOrCalculationPeriod | TBD | Elaborate mapping (later) if necessary |
measurementOrCalculationTime | TBD | Elaborate mapping (later) if necessary |
vehicleFlow | vehicleFlow | |
vehicleFlow.accuracy | vehicleFlow.accuracy | |
vehicleFlow.computationalMethod | vehicleFlow.computationalMethod | |
vehicleFlow.numberOfIncompleteInputs | vehicleFlow.numberOfIncompleteInputs | |
vehicleFlow.numberOfInputValuesUsed | vehicleFlow.numberOfInputValuesUsed | |
vehicleFlow.smoothingFactor | vehicleFlow.smoothingFactor | |
vehicleFlow.standardDeviation | vehicleFlow.standardDeviation | |
vehicleFlow.supplierCalculatedDataQuality | vehicleFlow.supplierCalculatedDataQuality | |
vehicleFlow.dataError | vehicleFlow.dataError | |
vehicleFlow.reasonForDataError | vehicleFlow.reasonForDataError | |
vehicleFlow.vehicleFlowRate | vehicleFlow.vehicleFlowRate |
basicData type TrafficSpeed maps to basicData type TrafficSpeed
Source basicData xsi:type ="TrafficSpeed" (V2.3) |
Target basicData xsi:type="TrafficSpeed" (V3) |
Remark |
measurementOrCalculationPeriod | TBD | Elaborate mapping (later) if necessary |
measurementOrCalculationTime | TBD | Elaborate mapping (later) if necessary |
averageVehicleSpeed | averageVehicleSpeed | |
averageVehicleSpeed.accuracy | averageVehicleSpeed.accuracy | |
averageVehicleSpeed.computationalMethod | averageVehicleSpeed.computationalMethod | |
averageVehicleSpeed.numberOfIncompleteInputs | averageVehicleSpeed.numberOfIncompleteInputs | |
averageVehicleSpeed.numberOfInputValuesUsed | averageVehicleSpeed.numberOfInputValuesUsed | |
averageVehicleSpeed.smoothingFactor | averageVehicleSpeed.smoothingFactor | |
averageVehicleSpeed.standardDeviation | averageVehicleSpeed.standardDeviation | |
averageVehicleSpeed.supplierCalculatedDataQuality | averageVehicleSpeed.supplierCalculatedDataQuality | |
averageVehicleSpeed.dataError | averageVehicleSpeed.dataError | |
averageVehicleSpeed.reasonForDataError | averageVehicleSpeed.reasonForDataError | |
averageVehicleSpeed.speed | averageVehicleSpeed.speed |
basicData type TravelTimeData maps to basicData type TravelTimeData
Source basicData xsi:type ="TravelTimeData" (V2.3) |
Target basicData xsi:type="TravelTimeData" (V3) |
Remark |
measurementOrCalculationPeriod | TBD | Elaborate mapping (later) if necessary |
measurementOrCalculationTime | TBD | Elaborate mapping (later) if necessary |
travelTimeType | travelTimeType | |
travelTime | travelTime | |
travelTime.accuracy | travelTime.accuracy | |
travelTime.computationalMethod | travelTime.computationalMethod | |
travelTime.numberOfIncompleteInputs | travelTime.numberOfIncompleteInputs | |
travelTime.numberOfInputValuesUsed | travelTime.numberOfInputValuesUsed | |
travelTime.smoothingFactor | travelTime.smoothingFactor | |
travelTime.standardDeviation | travelTime.standardDeviation | |
travelTime.supplierCalculatedDataQuality | travelTime.supplierCalculatedDataQuality | |
travelTime.dataError | travelTime.dataError | |
travelTime.reasonForDataError | travelTime.reasonForDataError | |
travelTime.duration | travelTime.duration |
VmsTablePublication maps to VmsTablePublication
A mapping for a limited number of elements of the DATEX II European Model is given below.
Source payloadPublication xsi:type="VmsTablePublication" (V2.3) |
Target payload xsi:type="vms:VmsTablePublication" (V3) |
Remark |
lang | lang | |
modelBaseVersion | Fill this required element for version 3 with the value 3 | |
publicationTime | publicationTime | |
publicationCreator | publicationCreator | | | | |
publicationCreator.nationalIdentifier | publicationCreator.nationalIdentifier | |
headerInformation.confidentiality | headerInformation.confidentiality | |
headerInformation.informationStatus | headerInformation.informationStatus | |
vmsUnitTable | vmsControllerTable | | | | |
vmsUnitTable.version | vmsControllerTable.version | |
---.VmsUnitRecord | ---.vmsController | | | | |
---.VmsUnitRecord.version | ---.vmsController.version | |
---.VmsUnitRecord.numberOfVms | ---.vmsController.numberOfVms | |
---.VmsUnitRecord.vmsRecord | ---.vmsController.vms | |
---.---.vmsRecord.vmsIndex | ---.---.vms.vmsIndex | |
---.---.---.vmsRecord | ---.---.---.vms | |
---.---.---.vmsRecord.vmsDescription | ---.---.---.vms.description | |
---.---.---.vmsRecord.vmsPhysicalMounting | ---.---.---.vms.physicalSupport | |
---.---.---.vmsRecord.vmsType | ---.---.---.vms.vmsType | |
---.---.---.vms.vmsConfiguration | New in version 3 | |
---.---.---.---.---.DisplayArea | New in version 3 | |
---.---.---.---.---.DisplayArea.displayAreaIndex | New in version 3, fill this required element with the value 1 | |
---.---.---.vmsRecord.vmsTextDisplayCharacteristics | ---.---.---.---.---.DisplayArea xsi:type="TextDisplayArea" | Unlike version 2.3, version 3 works with specializations. |
---.---.---.---.textDisplayHeight | ---.---.---.---.---.---.displayGeometry.displayHeight | |
---.---.---.---.textDisplayWidth | ---.---.---.---.---.---.displayGeometry.displayWidth | |
---.---.---.---.maxNumberOfCharacters | ---.---.---.---.---.---.maxNumberOfCharacters | |
---.---.---.---.maxNumberOfRows | ---.---.---.---.---.---.maxNumberOfRows | |
---.---.---.vmsRecord.vmsLocation xsi:type="Point" | ---.---.---.vmsRecord.vmsLocation xsi:type="PointLocation" | Using this mapping |
VmsPublication maps to VmsPublication
A mapping for a limited number of elements of the DATEX II European Model is given below.
Source payloadPublication xsi:type="VmsPublication" (V2.3) |
Target payload xsi:type="vms:VmsPublication" (V3) |
Remark |
lang | lang | |
modelBaseVersion | Fill this required element for version 3 with the value 3 | |
publicationTime | publicationTime | |
publicationCreator | publicationCreator | | | | |
publicationCreator.nationalIdentifier | publicationCreator.nationalIdentifier | |
headerInformation.confidentiality | headerInformation.confidentiality | |
headerInformation.informationStatus | headerInformation.informationStatus | |
vmsUnit | VmsControllerStatus | |
---.vmsUnitTableReference | ---.vmsControllerTableReference | | | | |
---.vmsUnitTableReference.version | ---.vmsControllerTableReference.version | |
---.vmsUnitTableReference.targetClass | ---.vmsControllerTableReference.targetClass | In version 3 fill this element with "vms:VmsControllerTable" |
---.vmsUnitReference | ---.vmsControllerReference | | | | |
---.vmsUnitReference.version | ---.vmsControllerReference.version | |
---.vmsUnitReference.targetClass | ---.vmsControllerReference.targetClass | In version 3 fill this element with "vms:VmsController" |
---.vms | ---.vmsStatus | |
---.vms.vmsIndex | ---.vmsStatus.vmsIndex | |
---.---.vms | ---.---.vmsStatus | |
---.---.---.vmsWorking | ---.---.---.workingStatus | If vmsWorking=true, then workingStatus=working If vmsWorking=false, then workingStatus=notWorking |
---.---.---.vmsMessage | ---.---.---.vmsMessage | |
---.---.---.vmsMessage.messageIndex | ---.---.---.vmsMessage.messageIndex | |
---.---.---.---.timeLastSet | ---.---.---.---.timeLastSet | |
---.---.---.---.---.DisplayAreaSettings | New (intermediate) layer in xml tree in version 3 | |
---.---.---.---.---.DisplayAreaSettings.displayAreaIndex | New in version 3, fill this element with the value 1 | |
---.---.---.---.---.DisplayAreaSettings xsi:type="MultiPageDisplay" | ||
---.---.---.---.textPage | ---.---.---.---.---.---.DisplayAreaSettings | |
---.---.---.---.textPage.pageNumber | ---.---.---.---.---.---.DisplayAreaSettings.pageNumber | |
---.---.---.---.---.vmsText | ---.---.---.---.---.---.DisplayAreaSettings xsi:type="TextDisplay" | |
---.---.---.---.---.---.vmsTextLine | ---.---.---.---.---.---.---.textLine | |
---.---.---.---.---.---.vmsTextLine.lineIndex | ---.---.---.---.---.---.---.textLine.lineIndex | |
---.---.---.---.---.---.---.vmsTextLine | ---.---.---.---.---.---.---.---.textLine | |
---.---.---.---.---.---.---.---.vmsTextLine | ---.---.---.---.---.---.---.---.---.textLine |