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Documentation on the Dutch profile of DATEXII version 3 is currently developed. This might cause incompleteness and or inconsistencies. When in doubt, please contact NDW Servicedesk.


'SituationAssessmentPublication' contains a set of assessments of currently reported trafficmeasures on the road. These measures are currently published as producttype Werkzaamheden en Evenementen. Traffic situations of the networkmanagement type are assessed with the use of the raw Floating Car Data. The assessment is run evere 5 minutes and this publication publishes the results of the assessed measures.



All relevanant information elements of an assessed 'situationRecord' are laid down in 'trafficBasedAssessment'. The corresponding XML-element contains the attributes 'id' and 'version'.


Attribute Type Mandatory Domain Description
id String Yes Zie toelichting over time unique identification of the assessement
version String Yes >=1 Zie toelichting relevant version of the assessment


A 'trafficBasedAssessment' holds a timerelated, unique, identification. As a consequence the assessment of a situation-record gets a unique 'id' at the start. This 'id' remains unique over time. This 'id'-attribute is a 'string'.


Version of the assessment. An assessement can during the lifespan change one or several times. Each update holds a Version, which is as least 1 up. The initial version is usually 1.


The element 'assessedSituation' contains the attributes 'id' and 'version'. It provides the relation with the assessed situation in the datasource. See hier for further documentation on the elements.


The element 'assessedSituationRecord' contains the attributes.n 'id' en 'version'. It provides the relation with the assessed situationRecord in the datasource. See hier for documentation of the attributes.


Element 'assessedSituationRecordType' contains the type of trafficmeasure to which the assessment is applied. Possible types are::

  • ConstructionWorks
  • GeneralNetworkManagement
  • MaintenanceWorks
  • PublicEvent
  • RoadOrCarriagewayOrLaneManagement
  • SpeedManagement


The element 'validationStatusCode' provides a code to the processtatus of the situation assessment. The statuscode can be one of the following litterals:

  • disputed
  • toBeValidated
  • unconfirmed
  • validated
  • validationNotPossible


The element 'assessmentPublicationTime' holds datea and time on which the assessment is published.


The element 'assessmentConclusion' provides the algoritmic conclusion of the assessement as a conclusion, which can have one of the following values:

  • itineraryFullyClosed
  • itineraryFullyOpen
  • partsOfItineraryClosed
  • toBeValidated
  • trafficDelayed
  • undetermined

LevelOfPersistence (0-100)

The element 'levelOfPersistence' indicates the level of certainty the assessor has about the existence of the traffic measure as reported in the assessed situation. This can be based on the perceived quality of the element 'segmentsWithNoTraffic'. LevelOfPersistence is an integer and has a valuerange of 0 to 100.

LevelOfNonPersistence (0-100)

The element 'levelOfNonPersistence' indicates the level of certainty the assessor has about the NON-existence of the traffic measure as reported in the assessed situation. This can be based on the perceived quality of the element 'segmentsWithNoTraffic'. LevelOfNonPersistence is an integer and has a valuerange of 0 to 100.


The element 'TrafficStatusObservationTime' holds date and time of the FCD observations on which the assessment is based.


The element 'observedValidity' holds the timevalidity of the assesses situationrecord, based on the observations of the assessor. Find here hier the documentation of the elements used.


The element 'assessedOriginalRoute' contains the GMLLineString of the route that is in the measure record as provided by the roadoperator.


The element 'observedRoadAvailability' provides per type of road availability further locaiton detail where this type is observed. The types are based on the amount of traffic and its delay compared to normal. Locations are provided as GMLLineString. One record can have several types of road availability.

  • segmentWithNoTraffic
  • segmentWithDelayedTraffic
  • segmentWithNoDelays
  • segmentWithoutValidationResult
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